Thursday, April 23, 2009

For Week 14 - Questions to guide your reading

* Confessions of a Closet Catholic
* Silver (2002): What criteria does Silver suggest for evaluating books?
* Kimmel (2003): How does Kimmel understand the "Jewish content" of his stories?
* Group C members write a questioning the text paper
Check this article out. It's titled: 10 Great Books For (Traumatizing) Children. It'll give us LOTS to talk about next week!

Friday, April 10, 2009

For Week 14 - Questions to guide your reading


* Boy Meets Boy

* McLean (1997): What is McLean's rationale for considering GLB(TQ) literature as "multicultural"? What stereotypes and inaccuracies does she suggest we watch out for? This article was written in 1997. Are you familiar with any books that you think do a "better" job of representing GLBTQ characters?

* Levithan (2004): Although Levithan is directing his words to librarians, they also apply to teachers. What does he mean when he writes, "Being gay is not an issue, it is an identity. It is not something you can agree or disagree with."

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Obama's Special Olympics joke

My husband nicely informed me that Obama's Special Olympics joke was weeks ago.

Sorry for not being on top of things more!

April Fools Day info

In class I mentioned how I thought April Fools Day ended at 12pm.

Here's a link to an article that talk about it. I was partly right. The 12pm thing is a British tradition (and thus probably Canadian as well).