Thursday, January 29, 2009

For Week 4 - Questions to guide your reading

Our topic next week will be:

The Insider/Outsider Debate & Expanding the Definition of Multiculturalism

Please read (all in course pack AND be sure to read in order):
Shannon (1994)
Sims Bishop (1994)
Harris (1994)
Cai (1998)

Suggestion for what to post on your blog this week:
-Initial thoughts on debate of who is "qualified" to write for a particular group/population of people (be concise and specific!)
-I encourage you to find quotes from the readings and post them on your blogs
-And, I encourage you to check out the blog and website I talked about it class (you can find a link to them on the right side of this blog).

Come prepared to debate whether authors should be “insiders” to the culture about which they write!

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