Friday, January 30, 2009

Some examples of excellent Questioning the Text assignments

I'm in the middle of responding to the first batch of Questioning the Text papers. Group A members - you're off to a good start. I appreciate the hard work you put into these papers.

In an effort to help articulate the assignment better, I think it would be helpful for you to see examples of Questioning the Texts. The goal of the assignment is to explore a question/issue rather than to "answer" it or suggest 3 possible "answers". I didn't use the word "explore" when I talked about this assignment in class but I think it's a really good one to use as it seems to capture this "wrestling with the text" idea rather than finding and making an argument.

Enough from me. Click here to find an article written by a fantastic children's lit instructor here at MSU and 3 of her students. It was published in Disability Studies Quarterly, Fall 2008, Volume 28, No. 4. Read through the three Questioning the Text examples to use as models.

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